Jun 21, 2017 Grammy Music Producer ill Factor share his top 7 Ableton Live stock plugins. Click here to download your FREE Ableton Live Set:.

Mario made with Clips - from Doublercat, https://www.facebook.com/Doublercat
The video game music (aka chiptune aka 8-bit) aesthetic was born of necessity - early video game systems couldn't synthesize or process audio at higher bit-depths. But from these classic systems, artists have taken influence for a style of music that balances nostalgia for the crunchy digital sounds with future-thinking sequencing and songwriting. Here's a chiptune take on Beck's 'Girl', with video to match from the similarly retro-minded Wyldfile:
Want to get in on the fun yourself? 8 bit bandit has generously released Bit Crate Vol. 1, a free (and royalty-free) selection of 10,000 8-bit style sounds. Bit Crate Vo. 1 also includes Instrument Racks for browsing and playing the sounds - see and hear it in action below:

Want more chiptune sounds? Check out Retro Computers by Puremagnetik
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Hear more from 8 bit bandit