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iZotope Ozone – a full and functional application, which can be safely called a complete system for performing mastering. In one integrated plug-in all necessary tools are collected, which are necessary for post-processing of various musical compositions. iZotope Ozone is the ideal option, which gives to each musician an absolutely innovative and perfect toolkit. Using such an application, which is notable for its flexibility and functionality, it is possible to quickly and accurately process any musical composition, bringing it to perfection and making its sound more qualitative, perfect and unique sounding.
iZotope Insight is a comprehensive set of unique tools for measuring, analyzing and visual editing of any audio during the mastering and information stages, for diagnosing any problem mixes and for quality adjustment of the volume level to the world standard standards. The fully customizable and scalable tool allows you to visually monitor all relevant information about Surround, Mono and Stereo in a convenient floating window.
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Izotope Ozone 8 Download
Year / Release Date : 10.2017
Version : 8.00
Developer : iZotope
Developer’s site : iZotope
Format : VST, VST3, RTAS, AAX
Bit depth : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System requirements : Windows: 7, 8, and 10